Posts tagged “walk

Walking Away

Mid-Winter Photo Walk – Video

Walk in the Woods

Walk Toward the Light

A Long Walk in the Shade

Shoreline Stroll

Walk to the Water

Walk Along the Shoreline

Let’s Take a Long Walk

A Walk in the Park

Walk Away

Walk Away

A Walk in the Rain

Afternoon Stroll

Walk Toward the Light

I like to shoot in the streets of Ybor City around my studio. When it rains I especially like to get out and shoot. I have a thing about watching for people walking when I’m doing it and I make it a personal challenge to artistically include them in my compositions.

Walk On By

Rainy day photo fun.

Walking in the Rain

I stood here in the rain for a long time waiting for someone to walk through this composition and be in an interesting position when the traffic lights turned yellow. Do I need to say why I wanted the lights to be yellow?